First Day Organizational
Why is this
The first
day of school sets the tone for the entire year, so having an organized plan is
essential for a successful first day. “It’s the feeling, the pace, the
attitude, the mood, and the spirit of the experience that expresses who you
are, what you value, and what it means to be a member of your classroom” Linsin
In addition
to having a checklist for the first day of class, it is important to have
another checklist before school begins to ensure preparedness on the first day.
Before the
first day:
· Layout
Ø Plan classroom layout (where
instruments are stored/materials etc.)
Ø Make welcome board and a sign for
outside the door
· Curriculum and materials
Ø Photocopy any materials you might
need before the first day so there isn’t a pile up at the copier
Ø Get familiar with any new curriculum provided
for you
· Odds and Ends
Ø Make sure all lightbulbs
work/cupboards are in good shape/instruments are properly working
Ø Check all tech equipment (computer is
working/log in password works/music can be played through speakers)
Ø Have a plan B just in case tech
equipment fails aka boom box
· Supplies
Ø Check that you have enough curriculum
materials for every student
Ø Check that you have pencils/paper
ready for any written assignments
Ø Make sure you have sub plans ready to
go in an easy access folder
Ø Double check to make sure you have
emergency information available
· Student knowledge
Ø Review any IEP’s and health
First Day
· Seating Chart
Ø Make a seating chart as you have each
class and write down any IEP or health information next to students name
· Teacher introduction
Ø Have a short introduction ready
Ø Have a welcome song ready
Ø Get them to a spot right away and
start singing!
· Syllabus
Ø Have set and clear expectations for
the classroom and have them written on the board
Ø If there is a syllabus, review
concert dates/attire/grading system
Ø Consequences and rewards
· Student introductions
Ø Have an introduction activity ready
to go: As if/rhythm game etc., something to set up a positive and supportive
Linsin, M. (n.d.). How To Set The Tone On The First Day Of School.
Retrieved December 2, 2015, from